Getting Eaten by Sharks After experiencing the horrible event of my husband’s stroke, my life has changed forever. When John was in the ICU after suffering a massive brain stem hemorrhage, it was constant stress and chaos for me and ...
When I first stumbled across the Hope for Widows website over a year ago, I thought, What in the world? Hope? How can a widow of all people have hope? Hope for what? Hope in what? Hope that I don’t ...
Have you ever been asked what your story is? How your husband died? How you’ve made it this far? Of course you have! I'm sure, like me, you've lost count of how many times you've been asked & how many ...
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be very scary! Paralyzing actually…. But I did a thing. It might not seem like a big deal to some but it was to me. I got a new job. I left a ...
Raising three boys that love sports really leaves me no choice but to begin each Fall with a cram-packed schedule of practices, scrimmages, games, etc. In the midst of the instant chaos, my heart is weary for the man who ...
After Rod died, I was faced with things and tasks that had always just gotten done. Especially technology. Rod was a tech guy by profession. Early on in our marriage, he would try to explain things to me, and I ...
Can We Please Stop: Dreading going places where people might feel sorry for us? Girl, sit alone if you want and read your book. Go to a movie by yourself or dinner. Go to the party where you know it ...
I lost one pound this week. My winter diet of donuts and wine was not working out after all. It was fun while it lasted, but it’s time for me to take back control. I’ve had enough to hurt about, ...