Memories are such a double-edged sword in the grief process. Some memories bring a smile to my face and the light of love to my eyes as I remember precious moments. Others quickly spiral down and trigger my traumatic memories ...
I have noticed that since my husband’s arrival in Heaven and sudden departure from earth that I now mark time based on surviving another year of grief. It almost feels like the start of my new year is the ...
Excuse me God,…. I would like to make a return. Where is your customer service desk? You see, this isn’t the life I ordered. It isn’t the life I worked for, planned for, hoped for or prayed for. Could I ...
Buying gifts for a widow seems to make a lot of people nervous, particularly if the loss is new and that loved one hasn’t been a widow for very long. No one wants to offend or upset her. No one ...
Yesterday marks three years since I have heard my husband’s voice. He had such a gentle, warm and sincere way of communicating with others. I really wish I could just hear him speak to me again. I often imagine what ...
Grief never really gets “better.” Just a few weeks away from 3 years without my precious husband and I really don’t feel “better.” After three years comes the realization for me that there really is no such thing as ...
I have always been the person who can manage to find the humor in most situations. Laughter has always been my drug of choice. But when the realization that my husband was truly gone hit me, I didn't think I ...
What do you do when your greatest fear becomes your unexpected reality? Did the unexpected loss make everything in your life feel ever more terrifying? Or did you feel hopeless and depressed and stop caring? This week I am reminded ...
It hurts intensely just to breath. Everything externally around you or internally within you seems to trigger stabs directly into your heart. You feel gutted out, as if just a shell remains The center of your being feels shattered. A ...
I miss my husband every minute of every day. When the good things happen, I want to rush home and tell him all about every detail. When I am weary, the day was a let down, and things don’t go ...