When Tim first passed away, I was numb. I went through the motions; making funeral arrangements, accepting condolences from friends and neighbors who stopped by and ultimately getting through the funeral service. That numbness stayed with me for at least ...
I knew my husband pretty well, I think. When someone is your soulmate...and he was...I believe I know what he'd say to me about me. He used to say some of these things directly to me, so I'm pretty confident ...
My friend Jo sent me a Facebook memory. Three years ago today, I was with Rick on the Florida gulf. We were sitting with Jo watching a gorgeous sunset in Rick’s favorite spot on Madeira Beach. I sat staring at ...
When grief is at its heaviest and we are lost in it, it is so hard to imagine a light at the end of the tunnel. It can become very easy to just get lost in the dark. So ...
I’ve never been depressed. I was always proud of the fact that through all of my mental health issues I could confidently say ‘I have never been depressed’. Don’t get me wrong, I have felt depressed. I am a ...
A dream can tint my entire day. I’ve never had trouble remembering them either, and if I have time, I write them down. But, before this week, I rarely dreamt of Todd--maybe once a month. So many nights, I have ...
Y’all, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! I’m sure you are all aware since it’s been apparent in the stores for quite awhile. Pink and red items are everywhere. The shelves are packed with cards, candy, stuffed animals, and ...
Superbowl Sunday Morning I want this to be a normal Superbowl Sunday again I want you to hear you puttering around in the kitchen The chop, chop, chop of onions being minced The clang of the pans as you remove ...
When my husband died, the dynamic in my little family changed dramatically. We were a tight-knit family of 3. My daughter is an only-child, so she went with us wherever we went. Even as a teen, she was usually happy ...
“You’re an empty nester now. How do you like living alone?” I’ve been asked this frequently since my youngest daughter moved out last month. Honestly? I don’t always like it. Some days, I absolutely hate it. The word “nest” reminds ...