One of the most painful questions widows tend to ask ourselves days, weeks, months, and even years after our spouse dies is, “what would we be doing right now if you were still here?” Even though I'm in the thick ...
We used to have a favorite Chinese restaurant, my husband and I. It was this little hole-in-the-wall type place across the street from our apartment. I don't remember how my husband came across that place, but once he brought it ...
Tomorrow would have been my 23rd wedding anniversary. I think it still is, though, even though my husband is no longer here with me and I’m no longer married…have no husband…am no one’s wife. The anniversary date doesn’t change. 23 years ...
Tony’s illness and death brought me to my knees. Not many things could do that before, or since. The pain has been indescribable. My life and the boys’ lives have not been the same. As painful as this has ...
I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve never had a serious illness or major operation, or any other traumatic physical malady. I’ve never suffered any physical affliction that required months to heal or physical therapy to get back on my feet, ...
Recently, I found myself at a social event. Ok, it was a bonfire. Actually a keg party around a bonfire. I had a legitimate reason to be there--the party was for a friend’s birthday and I went with my sister-in-law, ...
I always thought Nate would be my last kiss...My first love and my last love. I felt that we had that storybook romance, and I always felt so fortunate that we met one another so early in life. He was ...
As I draw closer to the end of year two, I realize I no longer feel married. That sounds dumb, since Rick's been gone for so long, but after twenty years of marriage, I still felt like his wife, no ...
If there was one thing I never expected, it was to ever be single again. I mean, I know divorces happen, but I waited until I was forty to marry because I wanted to be sure that Mr. Right was ...
What’s On Your Mind? I wonder if there is something on your mind right now that I can help get answered for you - whether through my own experience, someone I know, resources or articles I’ve come across. I ...