Regret. Oh, how it will eat you alive if you let it. Hindsight is 20/20, right? And ain't that a bitch. I have spent the last year thinking back on me and Nate's lives together, and I literally get sick ...
Taking Time to Breathe For the past 10 months (since I lost Pat) I have tried many different avenues of self-care to find some small spaces of time to take a break from grief. These are some of the things ...
Back in May, I decided to go on a grief recovery retreat. In Alaska. In my typical dramatic fashion of doing anything worth doing, I figured that flying to Alaska would help me find some answers about how to move ...
When the funeral has ended, and when you come home from work to be greeted by silence, and the realization the rooms once filled with laughter are soaked with tears. The fog has lifted, and now it's time to grieve. ...
Grief. It is truly and utterly impossible to describe this dreaded word unless you have truly experienced a loss that rocks your entire world off of its axis. When it comes to my own grief journey after losing my husband ...
The Season I can smell the memories coming back reminding me of what I was about to lose in 30 days. I can feel it in the atmosphere deep in my bones my cell memory is regurgitating all those feelings ...
This week we celebrate National Grief Awareness Day. So today I would like to try to describe what grief feels like to me. Grief is like living in a bubble. A clear bubble where you can see the rest of ...
After Nate died, I was told so many times that the first year would be the worst because of all the “firsts” I would have to go through without him. In the back of my mind, I knew this would ...
Over the past few months I’ve taken a hiatus from writing about widowhood because life got in the way. But I continue to promote the importance of being #widowstrong on various social media platforms. For awhile, I felt like I ...