As widows, we have so many things we might long for, but there are times when I literally BEG God to show me Shane. A breeze with his soapy smell wrapped inside of it, the subtle song of a wind ...
The famous yogi saying “let go of what no longer serves you” was a mindset my heart could not comprehend, let alone understand, until a level of healing had happened in my grief journey. The day I was able to ...
We used to have a favorite Chinese restaurant, my husband and I. It was this little hole-in-the-wall type place across the street from our apartment. I don't remember how my husband came across that place, but once he brought it ...
I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve never had a serious illness or major operation, or any other traumatic physical malady. I’ve never suffered any physical affliction that required months to heal or physical therapy to get back on my feet, ...
As I draw closer to the end of year two, I realize I no longer feel married. That sounds dumb, since Rick's been gone for so long, but after twenty years of marriage, I still felt like his wife, no ...
If I had a penny for every time someone has told me to “pray” or “find God” or “leave it in God’s hands” or any variant of that, I would be filthy rich. After Adrian’s death, people have been quick ...
If there was one thing I never expected, it was to ever be single again. I mean, I know divorces happen, but I waited until I was forty to marry because I wanted to be sure that Mr. Right was ...
I’ve been having some emotional ups and downs lately. There are so many things rolling around in my head. For one, I just spent another romantic Hallmark holiday alone, which forced me to once again face the fact that I ...
So many of the adjustments we face as widows are about handling a multitude of responsibilities alone: living on a single income, making home and car repairs, raising children. All serious business. Even more serious is the solitariness of spirit. ...