Add this to the unending list of peeves that plague the widowed: when people refer to our late spouses as exes! Unless you were permanently split up when they passed, these are not our exes. (And for those who were ...
At 66, I look back on my life as a series of eras: periods of varying lengths of time that were significant in some way or another. The innocent years of childhood. My turbulent and foolish teens. The wonder and ...
Aside from going to the hospital to say goodbye to my husband for the very last time, picking up his death certificates and ashes from the funeral home is probably one of the weirdest, most surreal experiences I have ever ...
For widows who hope to find love again, and maybe even remarry, you absolutely can. I've written quite a lot about dating, breakups, and new relationships post-loss. Early on that consisted of a lot of pitfalls and cautionary tales. Everything ...
Ash I know what you think – that it would be dark like ash from a campground, from a cigarette you shouldn’t be smoking. But it’s not a house fire. It’s matter that cannot be created nor destroyed. ...
Being a widow with young children is one of the most challenging experiences anyone can face. It can be hard to find hope and joy when going through such a profound loss, but building emotional resilience is going to be ...
There's a lot related to grief that we never discuss as a society. In fact, most people avoid talking about grief altogether. I don't know if it's because no one else deals with it or because people are too scared ...
Rediscovering Hope as a Widow Miriam Webster defines hope as “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.” What do you desire as a widow? For me, it’s mostly the same thing I wanted as a wife: to ...
I thought everything was fine, until it wasn’t. Shortly after my husband passed away nearly two years ago, I realized that envy from family members is a very real thing, and the depth of that envy is more than I ...
For those of you that have been following my journey, you know that moving on has been a struggle for me. About a year after Matt died, I tried and quickly knew I was not ready. In the last year ...