National Grief Awareness Day is today, August 30th. It is supposed to be a reminder of the grief and taking time to heal from loss. It is also a reminder that grief doesn't have an end date. Do the people ...
I am divorced. And I am a widow. I’m a divorced (not remarried) widow. Can those two identities co-exist? I’ve asked myself this question a lot over the past three years and I still haven’t found an answer. AJ and ...
See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out.
Suggestion: See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out. If the first, second or third said guru does not help, it’s not you, it's them. It is a process to find a helper that actually ...
I often hear people say to their spouse I can’t imagine life without you. But unfortunately, I can. And so can my widowed friends. When I met my late husband, he was considered terminally ill. He had cystic fibrosis and ...
Another family vacation has come and gone. This was our 5th. one without Bryan and it was still hard. Not as hard as the previous ones, but hard nonetheless. I am learning that time does help and heal, but for ...
Lots of people will do things for you initially. Suggestion: Try to realize that act was more about them dealing with their own bullshit or fear, or worried about their karma, than actually doing something because they are a ...
Last week I can home and felt like I was ready to move forward. Now I have no idea how to do that. Matt and I found each other by chance. We met at work and became friends and then ...
7/7/2001. Twenty years ago today Steve and I got married on a sun-drenched veranda overlooking the hills , under a rose-embellished gazebo, witnessed by 210 of our closest friends, family, and absolute strangers (aka our parents' friends we'd never met ...
How to be a Bad A$$ Widow (hell yes that’s all capitalized, we’ve earned it) Tricia R. Kauffman Let me start off by saying I thought I was a bad ass/independent woman prior to all of this. I learned ...
Sports was my husband’s thing. He coached our son’s baseball team. And our son's football team. The last spring he was alive he coached Steven’s baseball team. Even though he was diagnosed with a blood clot in his ...