Widowhood – an unexpected and unwanted sideroad our life is forced to take when our husband moves to heaven. Unexpected? Yes, even though I was his fulltime caregiver for years and the doctors kept telling us his disease was aggressively ...
It happened again. I went on another first date that didn’t leave me wanting a second. The man was intelligent and ambitious, polite and friendly. But there was no spark, and, when I got home afterwards, I realized that I ...
Are you feeling especially lost right now? The days are so short and the weather is cold. The absolute disorienting nature of our deepest grief and loss can leave us feeling even more vulnerable and alone. After Christmas blues can ...
Everything falls on our shoulders when we are widowed which means spoiling ourselves a little should as well. Or at the absolute bare minimum, self-care must become a huge priority in our lives. I have always been someone who has ...
I am a workaholic and would rather be at home alone than go out. To move on and start dating I am trying online dating. And it has not worked in my favor yet. When I first got this brilliant ...
A few months back I read a post from a widow that inspired me. There are a lot of people who write about the importance of acknowledging gratitude and counting your blessings… and this is a very good thing to ...
Oh how those Facebook memories love to pop up when my life is moving along almost as if things are normal and nothing has changed. Haven’t I always lived alone here in my ranch home? Wasn’t my daily routine always ...
The Christmas season is such an important time. My husband and I loved this season because it is filled with hope, giving thanks, and spreading joy. We sing about peace on earth. We spend time with family and friends making ...
Opposition will always greet you at the door of transition. But God is greater! When my husband went to Heaven I felt like I was trapped in a snow globe. The world was outside my sphere of residence, continuing on ...
November always sends me thinking about what I’m thankful for. We are so blessed to take time every year to celebrate our blessings. It’s time to thank God for all He does for us. Humbly acknowledging the people in our ...