71 months today. Which means in 4 weeks, it will be 6 years. How is that possible? So much has changed. And yet, so many things have stayed the same. 71 months today. Steven starts 11th grade. His ...
People tell me you are so strong, I don't know how you do it. My response to them is I didn't have a choice. When someone you love more than life itself dies, no one gives you the choice to ...
We are halfway through 2020. And as I sit here at my weekend retreat watching the sun shining through the trees and hearing the river flowing so peacefully, I am reminded to count my blessings. This has been a ...
In my 2077 days since I started this widow journey, I have learned so much. Death, grief, and survival have taught me more than I can write about. I have learned I am blessed to have those who are ...
Mother’s Day. It’s a special day that can be a grief trigger. One where I count my blessings and at the same time feel sorrow for what’s missing. A bittersweet day. As most holidays are now. This year ...
Today is National Widow's Day. And unfortunately, I am a member of that club. A club I never wanted to join. But I am surrounded by some of the strongest men and women I know. We support each other. Lift ...
One thing I have learned about grief, is that you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. There is no right way to do grief. Only the way that is right for you. No matter what you ...
Recently I had the opportunity to take part in a grief photo shoot. Sounds crazy, right? But actually it is one of the most therapeutic things I have done in my grief journey. When this opportunity was presented ...
I am a remarried widow. I am blessed to have two amazing love stories. But being remarried is not easy. It takes a lot of work. A ton of grace. And an endless supply of compromise. I am not ...
When my late husband died, my son lost his father. The man a boy should always be able to depend on. And I feared that my son would be lost without his dad. But he persevered and is a wonderful ...