Five Years as a Widow: A Journey of Grief, Growth, and Resilience It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since I became a widow. In some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday when my world turned ...
Since Monty was killed, every day has been difficult. At night in my bed, I surround myself with pillows to mask the emptiness. When I wake up, I force myself to begin my morning routine which is very different. It ...
Often people are stumped at what to get for their friends during the annual holiday gift-giving season. If the friend happens to be widowed, you might be scratching your head wondering what you could possibly do to bring a little ...
Before I became a widow, I looked forward to the seasons. Spring brought a sense of newness, summer created a desire to break away and get near water, autumn was a reminder that things need to be shed and the ...
Holiday stress may already be tugging on your mind, heart and emotions as we come to what most people find to be a very important time of the year. The television is promoting deals and Christmas movies as they seek ...
I married my best friend in autumn—two became one. Finding my true love and then tragically losing him literally crushed my heart and weighed down my soul. My deep love for him created this very deep grief that doesn’t go ...
One of the most challenging impacts of becoming a widow is having what we defined as our purpose become suddenly changed because it was intertwined with our covenantal relationship with our husband. Our marriage made us one, so our purpose ...
When God created the heavens and the earth, He imagined a world where He would create human beings in His image to be His family. Possibly the dearest fingerprint of God in us is our ability to imagine. God’s gift of ...
There’s no one size fits all solution for coping with grief for widows. There is, however, one thing that is so versatile it will likely be something nearly every widow can benefit from. I’m talking about music. The right music ...
Grief is something that widows live with and it is also what makes everyone around us uncomfortable. The reality of grief is that it’s permanent; it’s not something we get over or outgrow. Grief exists near the surface of life ...