Our husband heard us and we miss that. Most widows would agree the death of your husband is a profound moment in the journey of life here on earth. It literally upends the trajectory of life as you knew ...
Very few books about caring for widows have been written, but the Bible has about eighty direct references to widows. Widows are mentioned when you read the books by Moses and the prophets, the Psalms, the Proverbs, the four Gospels, ...
Last Sunday was Easter and I was doing everything in my power to make it perfect for my grandma. Every holiday, since she went on hospice, has been this way. In my mind, I think this could be the last ...
Neo blinked, a dull pain pulsating through his skull. “Why do my eyes hurt?” Morpheus leaned in. “You have never used them before.” This was a simple yet profound moment in the mind-shifting 1999 sci-fi classic movie The Matrix… and ...
This treacherous pilgrimage between my old life and my future often amplifies the depth of alone. Sometimes I find myself drifting on wreckage all alone in the middle of an ocean with no land in sight. Sometimes it feels like ...
I often wonder what Matt is thinking. Watching me start to live again I can imagine him being happy. Because the age-old saying they would not want you to be sad is true. As I looked over the pasture the ...
I would like to let you in on a little secret, ready? Okay, maybe it isn’t a little secret. Not really. All you would have to do is read all the different advice about death to recognize it. Everyone with ...
Radical acceptance. I have learned as a widow that we are all walking around with wounds no one will ever be able to see. I’ve also learned as a widow that all I’ve ever wanted is for people to just ...
Happy New Year! I stayed up until midnight and watched the celebrations on TV. My house was quiet grandma fell asleep around 10:30 would wake up for a minute or two and then go back to sleep. I found myself ...
Do you ever wonder if…instead of him…it had been you? Instead…I was the one with the out-of-nowhere terminal diagnosis and the slow, painful progression toward my early death in my 40s with so much I wanted to do and see ...