Tomorrow would have marked the 14th anniversary of a marriage that ended four years ago. Instead of a celebration, it’s a reminder of a chapter that closed painfully. There’s a saying that you only fail when you quit, but I’m learning that sometimes, walking away is the bravest and most necessary step. It’s a leap of faith, trusting that a power greater than ourselves has a plan, even when the path ahead is unclear.

Recently, I stumbled upon a TikTok video that stopped me in my tracks. A woman spoke about generational healers and cycle breakers—those of us who feel the pain our ancestors suppressed, the ones who confront trauma head-on. For generations, families have hidden their struggles, numbing and avoiding the pain, passing it down like an unwanted inheritance. But we, the cycle breakers, are changing that. We’re speaking up, transforming pain into beauty and purpose. We’re feeling, facing, and healing.

I thought I was handling it. I’ve spoken up, sought therapy, started medication, dreamed, laughed, and loved again. Yet, healing isn’t linear. I still find myself numbing, avoiding, and checking out. Flashbacks, strange dreams, and breakdowns triggered by the most random things plague me. I long for the days when I felt energized and motivated by life instead of second-guessing myself, mistrusting those around me, and feeling overwhelmed.

Being a mother is my most important job, alongside taking care of myself. Yet, the need to earn a sizeable income to support my family constantly diverts my focus from what truly matters. I want to be better, to be present and engaged. I have plans, and ideas, and know what to do, but something keeps me shut down. I used to write books, speak on podcasts, and engage with my audience. Now, I doom-scroll, envious of influencers who seem to have it all figured out, wondering what I’m doing wrong.

I’ve invested in coaches, programs, supplements, planners, and gym memberships, but nothing seems to help. It’s a constant battle to feel okay, to break free from this cycle of self-doubt and frustration.

As I navigate this journey of healing and self-discovery, I’ve crafted a personal empowerment plan to help me stay focused and positive. Here are the key elements:

My Personal Empowerment Plan 

    • Embrace the Journey: Healing is not a destination but a continuous journey. I will celebrate the small victories and progress, no matter how insignificant they may seem.
    • Simplify and Prioritize: I will focus on the essentials. What are the non-negotiables in my life? My family, my well-being, and my passion projects. I will let go of what doesn’t serve me.
    • Routine and Structure: I will create a daily routine that incorporates self-care, work, and family time. Small, consistent habits can lead to significant changes.
    • Connect with Community: I will surround myself with a supportive community. Whether it’s through social media, support groups, or local meet-ups, connecting with others who understand my journey can be incredibly healing.
    • Mindfulness and Meditation: I will incorporate mindfulness practices into my day. Even a few minutes of meditation can help ground me and reduce anxiety.
    • Celebrate Myself: I will acknowledge my strength and resilience. I’ve come so far, and I’m continuing to grow and heal.

Moving Forward with Hope

Reflecting on these past fourteen years, especially on what would have been my anniversary, is a stark reminder of the ups and downs in my journey. But it’s also a testament to my resilience and my commitment to breaking generational cycles. Healing is messy and non-linear, but it is possible. By embracing this personal empowerment plan, I am choosing to focus on growth, healing, and the future.

To my fellow widows and those on similar paths, know that you are not alone. Your journey, though challenging, is one of strength and transformation. Keep moving forward, one step at a time, and believe in the power of your story to inspire and heal.


Krystal's journey began with the healing power of yoga, which led her to open her own studio. However, her life took a challenging turn when her husband was charged with sexual abuse against a minor and subsequently passed away. Despite the immense grief, Krystal found the strength to persevere for the sake of her five children. Through months of self-care, self-intimacy, and self-empowerment, she discovered a new level of resilience and inner strength.

Now, as a motivational speaker and international best-selling author, Krystal is on a mission to help other moms and widows find hope and healing. She is dedicated to speaking out against generational trauma, abuse, and adversity, offering a voice of empowerment and change.

If you are a widow or mom struggling to find hope and strength, Krystal Casey is here to support you. Connect with her through for resources, inspiration, and guidance on your journey to healing and empowerment. Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.