Sometimes You’ve Gotta Fake Joy To Get To The Real Thing This was me 4 years ago, faking joy, 420 feet above the Skokomish River on the High Steel Bridge in my home state of Washington. This truss arch ...
If there was one thing I never expected, it was to ever be single again. I mean, I know divorces happen, but I waited until I was forty to marry because I wanted to be sure that Mr. Right was ...
Guilt is a widow’s best friend. Every window I know has felt guilty about something along their journey. Things they could control, things they couldn’t control, things that were in no way their responsibility. Yet every widow I know has ...
For months now I have written about how much I have learned about myself through the passing of my husband, or more importantly, through his life. But I have also learned so much about the world around me along with ...
It’s been about two and half years since I lost my husband, Eric. He is missed. Terribly. There are no words to describe it. This day and every single day. His silence is excruciatingly loud. But that’s not what this ...
Valentine's Day is in the review mirror. For some, this may have been your first V-Day without your person and you are simply celebrating that you made it through without torching the pink and red section in your nearby CVS. ...
What’s On Your Mind? I wonder if there is something on your mind right now that I can help get answered for you - whether through my own experience, someone I know, resources or articles I’ve come across. I ...
For the past couple of months, I have been seeing all the “Ten Year Challenge” pictures. It has made me think a great deal about 22 year old me. So much so, that I dug through old photos trying to ...
I’ve been having some emotional ups and downs lately. There are so many things rolling around in my head. For one, I just spent another romantic Hallmark holiday alone, which forced me to once again face the fact that I ...