“You’re an empty nester now. How do you like living alone?” I’ve been asked this frequently since my youngest daughter moved out last month. Honestly? I don’t always like it. Some days, I absolutely hate it. The word “nest” reminds ...
My new husband‘s stepfather died this week. And while I am trying to be a good support for his mom, my own emotions are all over the place. His death has triggered my own grief. My heart breaks that my ...
Imagine you’re driving in your car, enjoying the scenery. It’s a beautiful sunny day and you’ve been looking forward to this trip. You’re happy about being halfway to your destination and singing along with the radio, when - suddenly - ...
When Jared died I swore I would never date again. Never love again. And certainly never marry again. And then on November 19, 2016 I met Jon and before I knew it, I was falling in love. Within a few ...
The start of this year looks very different compared to every year prior. I don’t have my typical resolution to eat healthier or to lose a few pounds. Instead, I enter this year with quite a bit of emotional baggage. ...
Well, I’ve done it. Made it through a full calendar year without my dear husband here by my side. I remember on New Year’s Eve last year, as 2019 arrived, I was filled with such dread and sorrow. It was ...
The first holidays alone. 2013. I escaped and refused to do anything “Christmasy”. I usually loved the holidays. Decorating, baking, shopping and creating magic for my two little boys. I enjoyed making memories and creating traditions for our little family. ...
New Year’s Eve is one of the harder grief days for me. It is a reminder that another year has come and gone that didn’t know Jared. Another year that we didn’t make any new memories or take any new ...
Today is my 15th wedding Anniversary. I have to take a deep breath here. For this one in particular, my seventh without Mike, has hit me especially hard. As I inch closer to being widowed equally as long as we ...
Another Christmas I've made it through another year My third Christmas without you here I’m used to being without you now I’ve made a brand new life somehow I hate that you aren’t here with me That you are just ...