The death of anyone you can't imagine living without teaches you an astronomical amount about life, love, and loss. Prior to experiencing the passing of my husband, I couldn't fathom just how much the pain of that loss would teach ...
I am a remarried widow. I am blessed to have two amazing love stories. But being remarried is not easy. It takes a lot of work. A ton of grace. And an endless supply of compromise. I am not ...
Dear Widows, I know these days are dark and we are on an uncharted journey. Once widowhood occurs it alters the reality of every single thing in our world. Everyday is different. Existence is different. Perspectives ...
When Jared died I swore I would never date again. Never love again. And certainly never marry again. And then on November 19, 2016 I met Jon and before I knew it, I was falling in love. Within a few ...
In light of Children's Grief Awareness Day I thought I would share my story about how I learned to mother alone and build a new life for my hurting boys. My boys were quite small when their daddy died ...
The worst thing a widowed mother can hear from her grieving child, “at least you still have your daddy.”. I do. At 39, I still have my daddy. How unfair. He is alive and well and I have had a ...
When my partner in life died, the world as I knew it died. I was all alone. Heart broken. Devastated. And knew I would be that way for the foreseeable future. After a year or so, others encouraged me to ...
I was floating in the pool last weekend when it happened. I was soaking up the sun in my inflatable chair reflecting on my new and somewhat unbelievable life now. I’m dating four men. I’m out dancing at singles events. ...
Once again, it’s the worst week of the year and I’m trying to make the best of it. My husband died on August 13, 2017. His birthday is August 23rd. The year he died, those 10 days were a fog ...