“Year two is harder than the first.” In the early days after losing my husband, Joe, I’d read how the second year of widowhood and grief is often harder than the first. 'Uhh, yea right,' I’d say to myself, usually ...
Widowed Single I just completed my taxes this year, and I cried (again!, because I did the same thing last year) when I had to check the “Single” box. There is a reason that we always check off “Widowed” on ...
A part of me surely died the same day as my late husband. Most widows would probably say the same thing. When you spend so much time wrapping your life around someone else, it takes a while to unravel yourself ...
When someone we love leaves this mortal coil, people are quick to assure us that they are still with us. I honestly always believed that too, based on my own experiences with departed relatives. I have had so many lovely ...
It happened again. I went on another first date that didn’t leave me wanting a second. The man was intelligent and ambitious, polite and friendly. But there was no spark, and, when I got home afterwards, I realized that I ...
I am a workaholic and would rather be at home alone than go out. To move on and start dating I am trying online dating. And it has not worked in my favor yet. When I first got this brilliant ...
Intimacy is what I miss most when I think about my husband Frank. All the ways two people are intimate with each other doesn’t always involve sex. It’s the little things that make up a life together. It’s the little ...
Oh how those Facebook memories love to pop up when my life is moving along almost as if things are normal and nothing has changed. Haven’t I always lived alone here in my ranch home? Wasn’t my daily routine always ...
I recently received a comment from a reader. And she commented that since I talked about my new husband I'm obviously no longer a widow. That I should no longer be writing on this blog. And that my blogs should ...
“You look like shit.” That’s what my oldest brother said to me as I got in the car one morning. It was the summer of 1983, and I was a junior in high school. As part of our morning routine, ...