"Firsts." Such a loaded word for widows. My first time introducing myself on here... I am Elizabeth Dreier, forever a wife to my beloved Simon; mother to my son who inherited his parent's love for calf roping and all things ...
A friend of mine told me the other day how a new song on the radio makes her think of my late husband Matthew. She said it reminds her of all the fun memories we all had over the years—like ...
Diary of a grieving Musician Week One This is my diary that I have been writing to you since the day I left for new beginnings [A Womans Refuge] (two days after I found out you had passed away). You ...
Parents love their children in a manner that cannot be explained. A love that makes you willing to give your life for someone else. A love that makes your own happiness less important than theirs. A love that parents understand ...
Raising three boys that love sports really leaves me no choice but to begin each Fall with a cram-packed schedule of practices, scrimmages, games, etc. In the midst of the instant chaos, my heart is weary for the man who ...
The mind of a solo parent is like a one legged duck trying to swim. I am in constant turmoil with what the right thing to say or do might be and my biggest concern is trying so hard to ...
A month ago my son turned 15 and received his driving permit. And now it is my responsibility to teach him how to drive. A job I would love for his dad to be able to do. When my husband ...
I met someone 5 months after Jerry died. Very unexpectedly. We became friends because I was not ready to think about another relationship. It slowly grew into something wonderful. Now almost 2 years later after meeting him, we are still ...
Father's Day is hard. The End. This could literally be this whole post and that would probably ring true to so many of you. My dad didn't live with us after I turned 9. He had, and still has, another ...