Rediscovering Hope as a Widow Miriam Webster defines hope as “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.” What do you desire as a widow? For me, it’s mostly the same thing I wanted as a wife: to ...
What are secondary losses? Professionals whom counsel regarding grief and loss often use a term called “secondary losses” to describe the losses experienced in addition to and because of the death of your loved one. For example, not just losing ...
I know that being resentful isn't the best personality trait, but I feel it rear its ugly head sometimes. My husband Bret lost a battle to a lifetime of mental health struggles. Even though it was suicide, carried out in ...
In Praise of Solo Mamas: 15 Ways They Amaze Me Recently I was seated among a handful of Moms whom are home schooling their children. I find myself in these social circles a couple times a week, and per usual, ...
Many dates cause the heartache to resurface and tears to roll down our cheeks. They are usually days with significant meaning. An anniversary, a birthday, a child’s birthday, the first date, or the day we became a widow. Many days ...
Not too long into my own widowhood journey, I noticed something that happens once the newness of our loss has worn off for everyone but us: many of my friends, most of my lovely, wonderful support group had all but ...
The phrase “It takes a village to raise a child” is widely used in American culture. However, I didn’t realize this adage's truth until my partner died suddenly and unexpectedly last October, and I became a widowed parent. I received ...
Sometimes on this exhausting journey through grief I find I don’t “widow well.” In those messy moments I can’t help but think about the many things about the word “Widow” that I wish didn’t come with the territory. Being a ...
I’m planning the baby’s 3rd birthday party. This will be her 3rd year without her daddy; she lost him exactly a week before she turned one. How many of you have celebrated birthdays or other occasions since losing your spouse? ...
Widowed Single I just completed my taxes this year, and I cried (again!, because I did the same thing last year) when I had to check the “Single” box. There is a reason that we always check off “Widowed” on ...