I love when a new year begins, it’s a time to spend time taking stock of yourself and the things that need to change. This year, my New Year resolution was to concentrate on self-care. Self-care is a word that ...
"Fish out of water” and “odd one out” are both great ways to describe life as a 39-year-old widowed mom of three young girls trying to navigate the perils of getting a college education. The first big decision is what ...
I celebrated our 2nd Easter without my husband this year. While this year was drastically different than our first one, I decided to add a step to the holiday grief cycle—Juggling. Being widowed during the holidays is a juggling act. ...
I recently read an article by John Piper called “Don’t Waste Your Cancer”. It really got me to thinking. I don’t want to waste my husband’s cancer. His first point was: You will waste your cancer if you do ...
It’s not always the holidays, or birthdays, or anniversaries, but all the other little days that can knock me for a loop. I can prepare for and make plans to avoid stress on the special days. But what about when ...
Bell Camp -2019 I am thankful that my two grandchildren were old enough to have spent time with my husband, Chuck. They have good memories of Grandpa, though not nearly as many as I wish they could have had. ...
In reading the post Widowhood Prepared Me For a Pandemic by Carla Duff, from April 16, 2020, I was struck by several things. It was written three days after we found out my husband had a mass on his pancreas, ...
In that last week of my husband's life I was keeping track of what time I gave medicines. My daughters had set up a spreadsheet for us to monitor everything. Medicines to try to keep my husband out of pain ...
I am told how well I am doing and how strong I am. People commend me on the adventures I take and my drive to rebuild my life. The world looking in sees some one who is figuring it out. ...