Dip your toe into the water. Test it out to see if it is the correct temperature. It feels okay to step into it but not far. Go a bit further. Then realize you are not ready to take the ...
This past Tuesday was our 25th wedding anniversary and I celebrated alone, sitting under the windchimes in my gazebo. A small portion of Rick’s ashes are in the chimes, so I always feel like he’s with me when I sit ...
I was like a speeding locomotive with no brakes. A few months after my husband went to Heaven, I was forced to quarantine at the onset of the pandemic. My speeding locomotive crashed and crashed hard. It’s taken me a ...
It is quite astonishing what you don’t know along with what you learn through the grieving process. I was quick to find out, that almost seven years ago, there is no handbook on what to expect as a widow or ...
In a previous season of This is Us, a powerful show about the long-term, winding, intertwined storylines of an American family, Rebecca Pearson, the perennial widowed matriarch is helping deliver her first grandchild on the floor of her son’s home. ...
Close your eyes and drift off to sleep. Normally when you wake you do not remember what if anything you dreamed of but this time the dream stays with you. It is the thing that you fear. A dream that ...
The journey of widowhood is not for the faint of heart, nor should it be ventured alone. Partnering with fellow widows and using a strong support team will ease the pain and foster an environment where healing can ...
The impact of Rick’s death has lessened as the years go by. That’s only natural. I've always been a firm believer that time really does heal all wounds, although not as quickly as we would like (and I definitely formed ...
Living Wide is choosing to maximize the width of your life because we have no control over the length. The concept of Living Wide was founded by Gregory Todd Jones after he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2016. ...
There are many things I do not like doing… things that were not supposed to be mine to do. When you lose a spouse, you are so consumed with your grief that you don’t realize for months or possibly years ...