Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential. - Kerry Washington The juncture to widowhood is one of those life changing transitions we usually don’t eagerly embrace ...
I was watching a Brene Brown video and she talked about how everyone wants to have extraordinary experiences, but how the little things in life really matter more. She said that after stunning life events, like near-death experiences, the death ...
I’ve not found a good way to tell someone that I’m a widow. A few months after Seth passed away, I went out with some neighbors for a mom’s night out. It was much needed and so good to laugh ...
Our husband heard us and we miss that. Most widows would agree the death of your husband is a profound moment in the journey of life here on earth. It literally upends the trajectory of life as you knew ...
The Power of the Dog is a movie that was a contender for Best Picture at this year’s Oscars. However, I am not writing about that power of the dog. Instead, I am writing about the power of a little ...
I remember first learning of National Widows Day during my second year of widowhood. I was on vacation to Maui and I remember thinking it was an excellent spot for such an observance. Our little family had gone to Maui ...
Very few books about caring for widows have been written, but the Bible has about eighty direct references to widows. Widows are mentioned when you read the books by Moses and the prophets, the Psalms, the Proverbs, the four Gospels, ...
Last Sunday was Easter and I was doing everything in my power to make it perfect for my grandma. Every holiday, since she went on hospice, has been this way. In my mind, I think this could be the last ...
Neo blinked, a dull pain pulsating through his skull. “Why do my eyes hurt?” Morpheus leaned in. “You have never used them before.” This was a simple yet profound moment in the mind-shifting 1999 sci-fi classic movie The Matrix… and ...