I'll never settle down That's what I always thought Yeah, I was that kind of man Just ask anyone I don't dance, but here I am One year, three months, twenty-six days. Sitting at my desk stressed to the max ...
I would like to let you in on a little secret, ready? Okay, maybe it isn’t a little secret. Not really. All you would have to do is read all the different advice about death to recognize it. Everyone with ...
Radical acceptance. I have learned as a widow that we are all walking around with wounds no one will ever be able to see. I’ve also learned as a widow that all I’ve ever wanted is for people to just ...
Author Joan Didion died in December. I’ve always enjoyed her writing, but I owe her a special debt of gratitude for her memoir, The Year of Magical Thinking. In it, she described the grief and pain following the death of ...
Do you ever wonder if…instead of him…it had been you? Instead…I was the one with the out-of-nowhere terminal diagnosis and the slow, painful progression toward my early death in my 40s with so much I wanted to do and see ...
I feel as though every widow who writes about this time of year writes about the gut punch that is the holiday season without their beloved, and while that’s a deep and visceral truth that I too experience, I thought ...
Planning a Future I guess that saying “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans” was true for me. When I got married, I was twenty-five and I was not ready to have a child I was ...
Grief knows no bounds. It can be triggered when you least expect it, although most triggers are obvious and predictable. After Rick's death, I knew going into a diner, Home Depot, or Costo would be painful. I knew vacationing without ...
A local pharmacy I work at has cute gift ideas for the upcoming holidays. I call it the “hey you forgot someone on your list,” holiday shopping store. A couple of weeks ago we were getting ready for The ...