If I had one bit of advice - and possibly a magic wand to help make it so - I would advise new widows to make sure that they give themselves ample time to grieve, post-loss. Of course, this goes ...
This year, something unexpected happened: I’m actually looking forward to the holidays. After years of greeting the season with a mix of dread, exhaustion, and let’s be honest, a bit of forced cheer, I feel something new—a spark of genuine ...
Did you ever find a bird with a broken wing when you were a child? Do you remember holding it lovingly and putting it in a shoebox, watching how the poor thing struggled? How the vet said it might heal, ...
Rejections are a part of any writer's life and as a writer, I've seen my fair share. If I want to basically guarantee a rejection though, all I have to do is submit a piece about widowhood. It doesn't matter ...
One of the most challenging impacts of becoming a widow is having what we defined as our purpose become suddenly changed because it was intertwined with our covenantal relationship with our husband. Our marriage made us one, so our purpose ...
Even the significance behind numbers has changed. He passed away on December 23rd (2023) at 1:30 pm. Today it’s October 14th (2024), 8:30 am. It’s been 295 days, 18 hours and 30 minutes. The 23rd of every month is marked ...
Losing a loved one is an inevitable part of the human experience, casting us into a space of grief that is complex and insurmountable. Yet, within this emotional maze, there are ways to navigate grief to reduce suffering and rediscover ...
When God created the heavens and the earth, He imagined a world where He would create human beings in His image to be His family. Possibly the dearest fingerprint of God in us is our ability to imagine. God’s gift of ...
Anger is stage two, according to the five stages of grief. Widows know that there are no stages but rather a flurry of emotions that occur all at once or independently and repeat randomly. Anger can be difficult to deal ...
Do you have the feeling it all happened too fast, that you seem to have been robbed of something precious? I feel terrible at times because he used to always tell me that I work too hard, that I should ...