Children’s Grief Awareness Day - I wish I could see from their eyes. As Children’s Grief Awareness Day approaches, I began to reflect on the grief my sons have had in these past 2 ½ years. The ups and downs, ...
So often now, in the midst of happiness, I’ll feel this gloom settle over me. I know right away that it’s not a “random” sadness; it’s definitely Rick-related. I feel those tears just below the surface, a very mild form ...
Isn't it interesting in life how seemingly insignificant things can hold such profound meaning and life lessons? How memories can be created by touching something? How those memories can be forgotten or downplayed? Then one day, they are again stirred ...
Sunday afternoons used to be my favorite time of the week. Sunday afternoons on a chilly, gloomy fall day (as much as I HATE the approaching winter) were even better. Right about now, Rick would be ready for a nap. ...
When I first stumbled across the Hope for Widows website over a year ago, I thought, What in the world? Hope? How can a widow of all people have hope? Hope for what? Hope in what? Hope that I don’t ...
A friend of mine told me the other day how a new song on the radio makes her think of my late husband Matthew. She said it reminds her of all the fun memories we all had over the years—like ...
The other day I was organizing all of my art supplies and miscellaneous stuff in the closet in the basement, and I ran into a bag that I have avoided looking inside for over two years now…A bag I hid ...
As time moves on, I feel less like a widow, and I begin to wonder how long I’ll still be writing a widow’s blog. But it may be for a little while longer, because even as I continue to pursue ...
Have you ever been asked what your story is? How your husband died? How you’ve made it this far? Of course you have! I'm sure, like me, you've lost count of how many times you've been asked & how many ...