For the past couple of months, I have been seeing all the “Ten Year Challenge” pictures. It has made me think a great deal about 22 year old me. So much so, that I dug through old photos trying to ...
I’ve been having some emotional ups and downs lately. There are so many things rolling around in my head. For one, I just spent another romantic Hallmark holiday alone, which forced me to once again face the fact that I ...
So many of the adjustments we face as widows are about handling a multitude of responsibilities alone: living on a single income, making home and car repairs, raising children. All serious business. Even more serious is the solitariness of spirit. ...
DREAM BIG. PERIOD. About a year after my husband passed, I was still going to his gravesite 2-3 times a week just to be with him. With a book and blanket in hand, I’d take a moment before sitting down ...
People claim that time heals all wounds. I respectfully disagree. There is value in time. There is value in the wait. There is value in the belief that everything happens at just the right time. I believe that, too. However, ...
Adrian Gutierrez. The name of the most beautiful man I’ve ever known. I say his name every chance I get, even though people sometimes still wince when I do. They stare at me with wide eyes, wondering if I’ve just ...
It was a steamy July day in 1997 when my husband put my wedding ring on the third finger of my left hand. We were in a small wedding chapel surrounded by ten attendants comprised of our children, relatives, and ...
A Widows Purpose When I first became a widow, I questioned everything. Of course I did. How could this happen to me, to us, to them? We were reeling out of this devastation after only 12 weeks from the first ...
Lately I can not escape the magnificence of the sunrises and sunsets. I wake up to gorgeous red and pink rays streaming through my plantation shutters. Invariably, wherever I am, at the end of the day, the sky is on fire. I ...
A couple of months ago, my son bought a new house and moved farther away from me. It’s not terribly far, but about double the 20-minute ride to the old one. So now it can take up to 45 minutes ...