Hiding Your Grief You’re not being “dramatic” for crying despite losing your husband a year ago. No one has the right to tell you when to "get over it”. The people calling out your pain are probably the same ones ...
My husband died a month and seven days ago. The New Year is unavoidable, and I’ll never see him again from 2013 onward. It’s the sad realization of life continues to push forward whether I want it to or not. ...
When I was running a couple of weeks ago, I rubbed my thumb against my ring finger to wiggle my wedding band. I’ve been widowed for four years and stopped wearing my rings well over three years ago. The phantom ...
Baby steps. Open your eyes. That’s one. Get out of bed. That’s two. Breathe. That’s three. This is how it has to be in the beginning. Gentle and unassuming because grief is not. The cycle is exhausting, it tries to ...
“Mommy, there are pilots at the door.” Those seven words, those simple syllables, they changed everything. When I came to, I made the necessary phone calls, at first it came out as a whisper and ...
Lately I have been sucked into a very intense grief storm. Every time I think I can breathe again, another wave comes crashing in. Even after reaching out and utilizing my resources, ...
Zentangle art work above by author, Jill Hochman I used to doodle in class or in meetings. Well, it turns out doodling is actually helpful for concentration and stress relief. I was doodling to help me understand, stay focused, and ...
Dear Hope for Widows Community, Today, August 30, 2017, is National Grief Awareness Day. One might say, Why is there a need for such a day? That would be a great question. In 2013, Angie Cartwright, founded National Grief Awareness ...