I catch myself talking out loud a lot when I’m alone in the car. Luckily, nowadays, the passengers in the cars around me assume I’m on a hands-free phone, so it doesn’t seem strange to see me alone gabbing away ...
For the past few months, life has been pretty good. I have my vision board in place, and lots of activities and plans and dreams for my future that keep me occupied. I’ve been writing up a storm, and was ...
Tomorrow would have been my 23rd wedding anniversary. I think it still is, though, even though my husband is no longer here with me and I’m no longer married…have no husband…am no one’s wife. The anniversary date doesn’t change. 23 years ...
I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve never had a serious illness or major operation, or any other traumatic physical malady. I’ve never suffered any physical affliction that required months to heal or physical therapy to get back on my feet, ...
If there was one thing I never expected, it was to ever be single again. I mean, I know divorces happen, but I waited until I was forty to marry because I wanted to be sure that Mr. Right was ...
I’ve been having some emotional ups and downs lately. There are so many things rolling around in my head. For one, I just spent another romantic Hallmark holiday alone, which forced me to once again face the fact that I ...
It was a steamy July day in 1997 when my husband put my wedding ring on the third finger of my left hand. We were in a small wedding chapel surrounded by ten attendants comprised of our children, relatives, and ...
The Sand Holding Hack Three months after my husband passed away, I took a solo vacation to southern California and discovered a hack I want to share with you: the sand holding hack. When I booked the trip to ...
A Widows Purpose When I first became a widow, I questioned everything. Of course I did. How could this happen to me, to us, to them? We were reeling out of this devastation after only 12 weeks from the first ...
A couple of months ago, my son bought a new house and moved farther away from me. It’s not terribly far, but about double the 20-minute ride to the old one. So now it can take up to 45 minutes ...