You are not the sole keeper of all things Cory (insert your partner's name here). You do not need to be the sole keeper of all memories. I felt so much pressure when he died. How will I tell ...
Note from Donna: One day out of frustration on not being able to come up with a suitable blog idea a new friend grinned and went “‘I’ll do it,” blinked at her and although I knew she was kind of ...
“Maybe I shouldn’t write for other widows as my audience.” “Why not?” “Because my narrative isn’t about missing my husband and the tender moments we shared in the end. I feel like an atypical widow that way. ...
I became a widow at age 43. Not super young, but not super old either. (As a proud member of Generation X, I am okay with being somewhere in the middle.) Regardless of my age, it hasn't been easy. ...
I had a dream and it was one of those dreams that when you wake up, you cry because you realize it was a dream. Since Bryan's death, dreams have been what I pray for every night. I pray for ...
Suggestion: Don’t take everyone’s advice. No one knows the intricacies of your widowhood. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do and when you should do it. In time, you will get your routine down and see ...
October 10th, 2021 Dear David, I will always love you, but, fuck you for dying on me, man. September 25th would have been our wedding anniversary. Facebook memories fill with wedding photos Sarah and I took with ...
Our first apartment was on a little street in Etobicoke called Callowhill drive. It was a sweet street that shared two high-rise apartments and a bunch of houses. Where kids learned to ride their bikes on the quiet laneways. Neighbours ...
It can be very hard to navigate the waters of the family when grief is involved. It is hard enough when the person missing from your family functions is a cousin, aunt, parent, or any other loved one. The reality ...
I never realized that my brother-in-law – H, scrunches up his nose when he gets laughing. David used to do the same thing and it was the moment I realized they did look like brothers. We often teased H about ...