It’s been fifteen months since my husband died, and I have a question… What exactly is my allotted grieving time? Is there a prescribed time limit? Can I access a table of typical grief limits allowed per relationship type? Parent ...
A young man asked if I was married. This is a typical question I get when I have conversations with strangers or people who don’t know my story. Often times it's women or older people. They see me without a ...
Things don’t bother me as much as they used to. I used to be a lot more tense than I am now, more anxious about everything that needed to be done. I often woke up in the morning with a ...
Giving birth was my first true injection of empowerment as an adult. When my oldest was born, I waddled into that hospital at 25 still very much a child. A few days later, I walked out a woman. With each ...
I moved this month. Over three weekends, friends and family helped me move furniture. I’ve moved slowly, taking a few boxes at a time to the new-to-me house, extracting myself from the home I had with Todd. It might have ...
The weeks and months after my husband passed away the guilt of "could I have done more?" kept me awake at night. When I was at the office, I'd stare at the wall wondering, "why am I being punished?" There's ...
Not too long ago, I was trying to explain to a friend how I don’t cry anymore. I don’t shed tears. It’s like my eyes have run out of tears after the death of my husband. I explained to my ...
When Rick was alive, every Thursday night was date night. Rick was not a big movie fan, but I’m a movie addict. As a testament to his love for me, Rick started going to the movies with me once a ...
This is my very first blog post! I am very excited about writing. For me, I think this will is an outlet where that has not been one before. Also, I see this as an opportunity to be a resource. ...
I know that I’ve said it many times, and will probably continue to say, the depth of grief has radically changed my life. It’s not that I didn’t know that grief had the power to turn my world upside down, ...