Planning a Future I guess that saying “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans” was true for me. When I got married, I was twenty-five and I was not ready to have a child I was ...
When you're a widow, the traditional Holidays, can feel more like a"Holidaze". Yes, that spelling is intentional, because sometimes it can really feel like you're just walking around in a daze. At least that's how it was for me, and ...
Grief knows no bounds. It can be triggered when you least expect it, although most triggers are obvious and predictable. After Rick's death, I knew going into a diner, Home Depot, or Costo would be painful. I knew vacationing without ...
Better…That is a loaded word for me. I am doing better than last year, I am still broken but I can see what my future looks like again. This month my writing your grief prompt focused on what does better ...
This year will mark eight Christmases that we have spent without Jared. Eight years that we have hung his memory on the tree. Eight years that we have filled his stocking with love instead of presents. Eight years. It ...
Grief arrives as does the harsh, unwelcomed winter. We resist the next season of our life Trying to hold on to the familiar & cherished. We cling to our tree of life as though we were a leaf perched to ...
In reflecting during the start of the holiday season, I realized for many widows (including myself) it’s a hard, lonely time while desperately attempting to hold onto past hopes and future dreams. Holidays bring up many traditions, some lost ...
His things My mom asked me last weekend if anything in the hallway was good or if we could start getting rid of it. I said it is all good. Truth is that stuff is my great grandmothers’ things we ...
You are not the sole keeper of all things Cory (insert your partner's name here). You do not need to be the sole keeper of all memories. I felt so much pressure when he died. How will I tell ...