It’s that time of year where we see the word thankful everywhere. Cute signs that say ‘Thankful~Grateful~Blessed’ seem to be all around. I admit that I have rolled my eyes at those signs in the past. It’s not that I ...
November 13th is a special day in our household. This day was the day my husband was born. The second year after my husband’s death, I wanted to find a way to commemorate his fun-loving and adventurous personality. In honor ...
It’s been three years ago that you died. Roughly 1,095 days without you. There have been so many times I’ve just wanted to talk to you, to tell you all the things. I don’t want this to ...
Maybe is it the change of seasons, the holidays approaching, or the idea that things are even more different this year given the worldly circumstances, but lately I have found myself listening to sad songs and staring at pictures of ...
Children grieve in their own way. In their own time. And we need to support them in their grief. Today, Children’s Grief Awareness Day is a day to remember that children grieve differently. That children hurt too. That children need ...
Our kids were 5 and 2 when Seth unexpectedly passed away. The day he died all I could think about was how terrible it was that they weren’t given the gift of growing up with their Dad. They wouldn’t get ...
My husband has been gone for more than three years. I should be used to living as a widow and existing in my “new normal.” But today I realized, no matter how long I exist without him, I’m not sure ...
You are right in however you feel about grief. If you feel this the hardest thing you have ever gone through, you are right. And if you feel that no one understands this pain as you do, you are not ...
The holidays are such a hard time of year. During this time of year, I always miss Jared even more. I wish he was here to go to the pumpkin patch. To help Steven carve his pumpkin. To help scare ...