...with him. Sometimes I imagine what a conversation with my late husband Bret, would be like. Let's say he's given some kind of temporary earth pass (which I think some dreams might actually be) to sit down and catch ...
Something new is happening in America. This year was one in many recent times that some large retail stores decided to “go dark” for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day to allow staff time to spend with family and friends. Since ...
This week I had the opportunity to again attempt to help people understand a widow’s journey- or specifically my journey. I presented at a university’s 15th annual Good Grief conference where this year’s topics featured presenters speaking on mental health ...
Helping Young Children Grieve My oldest son had just turned five years old when his Daddy died. Daddy didn’t feel quite right when he woke up on Mommy’s birthday, and rested as if he were dealing with what we ...
A new way of looking at setbacks. We all know the idea of taking two steps forward, then three steps back, or whatever other number combinations you can think of. (Paula Abdul even sang about it!) This concept says ...
I was reading an article about a current flaw in America’s social service net. It’s focused more on identifying the worthy, while forgetting the needy. Most popular news or social media trendy articles, highlight successful people, while often shedding little ...
It is so hard to be a Solo Mom while grieving the sudden devastating loss of my husband. I am so mad at grief. It steals so much from us. It takes the moments we have shared with our ...
Our daughter is turning 16. Her 10th birthday was the last one he would ever see. I've written quite a bit about my own milestones that he's missed, as well as the ones that were significant to our relationship. With ...
Personally, I find asking for help difficult. I was raised to be tough and independent, not to rely on others. However, I have also learned over the past nine months that managing finances, childcare, and grief all at the same ...
From So Overjoyed to So Overwhelmed I always knew that life was filled with tests & trials, ups & downs, mountain top joys and sorrows in the valley, but knowing I had my husband as my constant seemed ...