How many tears have you cried since your husband died? Probably enough to fill an ocean; or so it may seem. In the beginning, however long that may be, it feels as if they are non-stop. The slightest thing can ...
There’s a gremlin called grief and it pops up in the most inconvenient times. Couple holding hands in the store? No emotion. Walking past the camping isle in Walmart? Emotional breakdown. The gremlin called Grief doesn’t care if it’s been ...
It's THAT time of year again... This is the time when almost everyone I know is utterly befuddled by my seasonal despondency. Everyone is so excited about the loveliness of Fall. Many are just as excited by the impending holidays. ...
Sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough as a widow because others create foundations, charities, races, and memorials to honor their lost spouses. But I have learned we all deal with grief in different ways, and none of ...
I celebrated our 2nd Easter without my husband this year. While this year was drastically different than our first one, I decided to add a step to the holiday grief cycle—Juggling. Being widowed during the holidays is a juggling act. ...
I had a dream and it was one of those dreams that when you wake up, you cry because you realize it was a dream. Since Bryan's death, dreams have been what I pray for every night. I pray for ...
"You don't heal with time, you heal with intention." I remember reading this line in another widow's blog post early on in my grief, and it resonated so deeply with me that I took it upon myself to start intentionally ...
“Some things are forever.” — Wanda I am a gigantic nerd, and I’m weird. I admit it. I have seen every Marvel Universe movie made, and have watched the television shows produced by the company. A love for these ...
I'm the me I'm supposed to be - at this moment. And, guess what? I don't want to be the person I once was. So, stop trying to fix me! I can no longer be that person. She was only ...