Grief is.... Grief is…. Losing your past, present, and future all at the same time. Creeping forward when the weight you carry seems to push you to the floor. Feeling like your heart is stuck in a meat grinder. ...
I’m Not As Strong As You Think I’m not as strong as you think. In fact, inside I always feel weak. I can paste on a smile, And a cheerful tone for a while. I can act and ...
Feeling Different When something traumatic happens to you that isn’t commonly experienced by just anyone. When you feel like you had no choice or say in the matter and certainly no control over the outcome. When you realize statistically ...
Who is that lady?.... I’m not her anymore. Scattered throughout my home are lovely photographs of the life I lived, loved, and lost. Hilarious moments as a so in love young couple and pair of new parents. Our first chances ...
Fear: Grief's Constant Companion The life of widowhood and journey of grief seem to be inseparably paired with fear. Fear is grief’s constant companion. Fear of an unknown future. Fear that I have lost my identity. Fear of facing the ...
Why do so many say that the second year of grief is worse than the first? Is it the fact that in the first year, you imagine that by the end of that year some sort of former happiness ...
Christmas morning, I wake up in my house alone. Just the cat and the dog are with me. A strange feeling passes over me. One of longing. Christmas has not felt like it used to since 2020. Yesterday I was ...