I’ve been thinking about my healing journey. It is 2.5 years later and my pain can still be so gut wrenching. It has changed and shifted and maybe isn’t as raw as it was in the beginning but there is ...
When I first fell in love with Keith, I knew what was happening. I knew what the connection was, and I knew that even if I only had one day left on earth, he was the one I’d want to ...
I wrote drafts for this blog at the end of February and beginning of March, but nothing I wrote then is relevant now. The world has changed completely. I am on high alert. I am supposed to be telecommuting, teaching ...
Waiting has always been hell for me. I’m an extremely impatient person and have been this way since I was a child. But, enduring this coronavirus pandemic, waiting and watching as this impending doom grows closer and more certain, takes ...
I recently wrote about how I was starting to believe I may be a strong solo mom. Then the COVID-19 pandemic happened. Now that we are into week two of this new reality of social distancing, working from home and ...
The world is a scary place right now, and I know there are a lot of people alone in their homes, waiting it out. There are many who have always been alone, who have never found a companion they wanted ...
This weekend brings what would be Seth’s 45th birthday (and his second in Heaven). I can’t help but reflect on the amazing person he was and still continues to be, even though he is no longer physically with us. I ...
"Have you lost your husband?" I had that question asked yesterday by a complete stranger. It was while visiting a home show, four pavilions with an endless supply of home building and improvement vendors. I was walking around by myself ...
When Tim first passed away, I was numb. I went through the motions; making funeral arrangements, accepting condolences from friends and neighbors who stopped by and ultimately getting through the funeral service. That numbness stayed with me for at least ...
My friend Jo sent me a Facebook memory. Three years ago today, I was with Rick on the Florida gulf. We were sitting with Jo watching a gorgeous sunset in Rick’s favorite spot on Madeira Beach. I sat staring at ...