Making decisions as a widow is exhausting. Already, our emotional stores are spent, and we are physically exhausted from poor sleep. Some decisions are practical ones like checking a bank balance before paying a bill or choosing Raisin Bran over ...
Maybe we don't talk about the dark days enough. Maybe we don't write about them enough. That early grief, that raw mourning. Maybe once we begin to move forward through our grief journey and time passes, we simply just don't ...
A few days after Mike died, I clothed myself in everything that was his-mine-ours. The Director of the Funeral Home gave me a bag of my husband’s belongings that the Coroner had collected. It was beyond horrific to receive this ...
I am unsure if I have fully come to terms with the word “widow”. I don’t wish that title upon anyone at all. I am also unsure if I am qualified to be called a widow. You see, Adrian and ...
At some point during my first year of (at times) paralyzing grief, I sought out opportunities to address it. At no point did I feel like I hid from my grief. Because I knew my husband would die, I made ...
August 13th, 2019 will mark twelve years since my husband, Ali, passed away. It's still hard to believe it's been more than a decade since he left this planet. I still remember details of the day he closed his ...
June 23rd is recognized as International Widow's Day. It is not a day we celebrate, it is a day of honoring and bringing awareness to our widowed community. Every day is widow’s day to a widow. There is not one ...
Holidays and milestones in life can be a trigger for grief. I am sure this weekend was especially difficult for most widows as it was fathers day. I also have my birthday this week and this year it is “milestone” ...
I met someone 5 months after Jerry died. Very unexpectedly. We became friends because I was not ready to think about another relationship. It slowly grew into something wonderful. Now almost 2 years later after meeting him, we are still ...
I catch myself talking out loud a lot when I’m alone in the car. Luckily, nowadays, the passengers in the cars around me assume I’m on a hands-free phone, so it doesn’t seem strange to see me alone gabbing away ...