I opened the blinds this morning, and the fog was thick. The deck that sat out my back door was about twelve feet; I could barely see the ending. There was no sighting of the beautiful pond that frequented many ...
The Christmas season is such an important time. My husband and I loved this season because it is filled with hope, giving thanks, and spreading joy. We sing about peace on earth. We spend time with family and friends making ...
Opposition will always greet you at the door of transition. But God is greater! When my husband went to Heaven I felt like I was trapped in a snow globe. The world was outside my sphere of residence, continuing on ...
The Golden Years I never thought I’d be alone In the golden years... This stage of life we longed for Retired from the nine to five drudge Free to do anything we wanted. When we looked towards the future, we ...
I had written this, what I believed to be, an amazing blog. I shared about facing struggles in our journeys and having the foundation to stand firm when life seems to be hitting us on all sides. Walked to my ...
He was right. When you put one foot in front of the other, after your husband died, it may have taken awhile, but did you - at any point - begin to run? Or just jog, maybe, but still clearly ...
“You look like shit.” That’s what my oldest brother said to me as I got in the car one morning. It was the summer of 1983, and I was a junior in high school. As part of our morning routine, ...
Waking up way too early yesterday I get out of bed to feed the cat. I didn’t need to be anywhere for a few more hours. Climbing back into bed I couldn’t help but remember when I would make Matt ...
November always sends me thinking about what I’m thankful for. We are so blessed to take time every year to celebrate our blessings. It’s time to thank God for all He does for us. Humbly acknowledging the people in our ...