As a widowed woman who is ten years out and considers herself a 'veteran', I thought I knew all there was to grief. How arrogant of me. I had grieved my husband's death, or so I thought. I was there ...
Crystal Sound Healing By Jill Hochman Board Member, Hope for Widows Foundation Have you ever heard about crystal singing bowls or crystal sound healing? If you ever have the chance to listen to crystal bowls, you may find it ...
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24) The qualities of honey make a beautiful word picture here. Honey is a natural antibacterial poured over burns and wounds it protects from infection ...
Do you like stones? Rocks? crystals? Do certain ones of them have special meanings for you? Well, there could be reasons why. I am writing this to help explain what many people believe are healing powers of crystals. Like ...
My first race after my husband passed is so vivid. Pulling up to the waterfront, watching the Hudson River lap against the shoreline as my friend and his wife unhooked our bikes from the back of his car. I can’t ...
I first realized I had superpowers about two months after my husband's death. I was out of state at a birthday party for a good friend whose other friends only knew me from a distance. Last they had seen me ...
As my husband was dying, he and I never talked of his dying of cancer... never said good bye and never lived like death was something to give into. Oh yes, there were moments of agony and defeat and doubt, ...
I can’t remember when I heard the phrase “Chapter 2” for the first time. I believe it was on a Facebook page dedicated to supporting the widowed community. A widow lamented that she’d never find another man to love her ...
[Image:] I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry. - Maxine Waters *I wrote ...