Cliff jumping. Taking a ride with him on his streetbike (an element of our first date by the way). Trusting the Universe. Scaling a mountain face to an abandoned mine shaft a day long hike into the alpine. Standing ...
Dave would have turned 57 this week and it's hard to believe that he's been gone over 10 years. In my mind he'll never age - he'll always be 46. I’m grateful and thankful that my body and face will ...
Remembering the first year after Todd died revives all of its raw, nearly physical pain. That year was a waking nightmare. Sometimes, another widow’s post or comment reminds me of the early weeks and months, and I hurt for her ...
I was sitting alone in my car near a lake in the park when I heard some powerful words about grief and healing. Every afternoon when I get off work, I leave my home office and drive to this semi-secluded ...
Wriiten by Andrea Remke I was folding laundry the other day while the Food Network was on TV in the background. It was a red-headed, soft-spoken lady who bakes farm-fresh stuff like pot roasts and home-baked apple pies. I could ...
We all know that feeling of a broken heart - wow, do we ever. After Dave died my heart literally felt physically broken. It was doing flip-flops in my chest and skipping beats like crazy. I’d been diagnosed with a ...
Grief can be like two sides of the same coin. It is possible to miss and reflect on what we had, yet also create new memories and decide to fully live again – even through the holidays. This is how ...
Memories I'm writing this post on my 20th wedding anniversary with Dave - he died suddenly in his sleep almost 10 years ago. I have a little smile on my face as I remember getting to know him as a ...
I’m not sure if every widow does this, but I tend to gravitate towards watching any TV show or movie where the main character is a widow. It’s always interesting to me to see how the plot treats widowhood. Is ...
Have you realized the magic of the sisterhood of widows? I am so grateful for this opportunity to share in the sisterhood of widows at My first blog in this space fills me with pride and a mix of ...