After a week where I am exhausted from the emotional burnout and stress from the week I just want to bake. Tonight, I thought about fall-themed baked goods. Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, muffins, and to get ideas I went on ...
I became a widow at age 43. Not super young, but not super old either. (As a proud member of Generation X, I am okay with being somewhere in the middle.) Regardless of my age, it hasn't been easy. ...
I had a dream and it was one of those dreams that when you wake up, you cry because you realize it was a dream. Since Bryan's death, dreams have been what I pray for every night. I pray for ...
Suggestion: Don’t take everyone’s advice. No one knows the intricacies of your widowhood. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do and when you should do it. In time, you will get your routine down and see ...
My Husband Matt... I am at a sheep and wool festival this weekend with people who don't know my husband is dead. They don't know how much I enjoy talking to them. Because there is no pity in telling them ...
This Friday night will be my son’s senior night for football. A night for which he has worked so hard. A night he has earned. A night that will be bitter sweet. My late husband was my son‘s first ...
There is so much going on in our lives right now. So much is happening. So much is changing. We are planning for my son’s future. And it hurts my heart that my late husband is missing it. Is not ...
October 10th, 2021 Dear David, I will always love you, but, fuck you for dying on me, man. September 25th would have been our wedding anniversary. Facebook memories fill with wedding photos Sarah and I took with ...
Ladies, I am exhausted! I am sitting here wanting to write something profound. Something that will touch at least one widow on this difficult journey. But all I can think about is the fact that I am physically, emotionally, and ...
A sense of humor has been a huge part of my personality since I was a child. My favorite relatives, teachers, friends and more have been the ones that could easily make me laugh. Needless to say, my love of ...