My son recently did his senior photo session for school. It was another one of those bittersweet moments. A moment I wish his dad was here to witness. There have been so many countless bittersweet moments since Jared died. As ...
“Hello darkness, my old friend…” are the haunting lyrics of the beginning of the Simon and Garfunkel song, “The Sounds of Silence,” that have ebbed and flowed their way through the American musical fabric over the years. I know I ...
Own your grief, but don’t let grief own you. You’ve been through hell on Earth. You’ve endured a loss only few can comprehend. You get to cry whenever you feel like it, for whatever reason. You get to be a ...
7/7/2001. Twenty years ago today Steve and I got married on a sun-drenched veranda overlooking the hills , under a rose-embellished gazebo, witnessed by 210 of our closest friends, family, and absolute strangers (aka our parents' friends we'd never met ...
So true. I would have never thought that at 38 I would lose the love of my life and become a widow. I thought widowhood was for older people, I had no idea. I remember getting all of this “advice” ...
I'm the me I'm supposed to be - at this moment. And, guess what? I don't want to be the person I once was. So, stop trying to fix me! I can no longer be that person. She was only ...
"No man (or woman) steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and (s)he's not the same (wo)man."--Heraclitus I live near the Green River, drive across it a few times a day, walk next to it ...
Always and forever. Two words that can be so hard. I'll always love Jared. And I'll always miss him. Jared is forever gone from this earth. I'll spend forever, the rest of my life without him. Always ...
Today I celebrated my 49th birthday in Africa. Africa! When my late husband and I started dating, we made a list of places we wanted to visit. When he died, we had three places left. In June of ...
Tomorrow would be my late husband’s 44th birthday. But instead he is forever 37. Our son and I miss Jared every day. Wish he could be here. Would love to once again celebrate his birthday with him. It’s ...