Did you know that August is National Wellness Month? It sure is! Let’s be honest, women aren’t always the best at taking care of themselves very well. We prioritize everyone and everything over ourselves. And widows? Well, I’d easily place ...
As a widow in my 40’s, the most common expression I hear from people once they know my story is, “I cannot even imagine”. Nobody wants to imagine a tragedy like mine happening to them. I prefer to think of ...
How many times have you heard: “You are so strong!”? Or seen memes that compliment a widow’s strength, like this one: “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have”? I didn’t realize ...
To wear the wedding ring, or not wear the wedding ring, that is the question. And honestly, the answer is very personal and rarely ever taken lightly. Often we widows will receive opinions, not always solicited, from friends and family ...
People tell me you are so strong, I don't know how you do it. My response to them is I didn't have a choice. When someone you love more than life itself dies, no one gives you the choice to ...
I am told how well I am doing and how strong I am. People commend me on the adventures I take and my drive to rebuild my life. The world looking in sees some one who is figuring it out. ...
We are halfway through 2020. And as I sit here at my weekend retreat watching the sun shining through the trees and hearing the river flowing so peacefully, I am reminded to count my blessings. This has been a ...
This has been a hard month. It is a busy month for work as well as there are so many triggers in the month of June. It has been three years and yet June is still a hard month. It ...
Something the journey of widowhood brings up is uncertainty, I questioned things like my future, where to go from there, choices to make and even my own abilities. Along with my uncertainty came the fear. Fear and uncertainty are very ...
My husband passed away unexpectedly almost two years ago. He died eight days after Father’s Day. I never would have imagined that would be his last one here on earth. As I sat down to write this post, I found ...