A young man asked if I was married. This is a typical question I get when I have conversations with strangers or people who don’t know my story. Often times it's women or older people. They see me without a ...
Every year around this time I start feeling a little stuck and lost. I love to coach women on becoming unstuck because feeling stuck has been a repetitive occurrence through various seasons in my life. Now that I have perspective ...
The holiday season is officially upon us. And the holidays are such a hard time of year. Especially for widows. During this time of year, I always miss Jared even more. I wish he was here to go to the ...
Death brings about an abundance of things. Loss of life, lifestyle, income, homes, family, friends... the list is endless. For a while, our minds try to protect us by going numb. We are in shock, they say. And this phase ...
Things don’t bother me as much as they used to. I used to be a lot more tense than I am now, more anxious about everything that needed to be done. I often woke up in the morning with a ...
Facebook reminded me of a memory that was a turning point in my grief. In September 2016, I flew to Brazil for work. And I was advised to not wear any valuable jewelry. So for the first time since ...
Anger is the greatest motivator because it’s limitless. When discussing the stages of grief, psychologist recite the five stages of the Kubler-Ross Model: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression then Acceptance As most of us who are widowed now know this model ...
There is a deep loneliness that encompasses my soul lately. It is similar to a shadow that follows you on a partly sunny day. It's always there. I'm keenly aware of the sunshine. But the longing for my husband and ...
Last week, my eldest daughter’s boyfriend texted me that he wanted to meet me for lunch “soon.” He also asked me for my Father-in-Law’s phone number. We set up a lunch date near my office. Anyone with half a brain ...