For fourteen months now I have shared my journey of widowhood as honestly as possible. Though it's sometimes difficult, attempting to put into words the variety of emotions I feel on a daily basis has helped with the processing of ...
The holidays are upon us, and the last thing I want to do is be a part of any of it. At least, not like this. If I had children at home or grandchildren of my own – which, sorry, ...
I have a good life and I know it. I’m healthy. I’m financially secure. I have lots of friends who love me. I have an entire next generation of family members who spoil me with love, grandchildren, and great-nephews. I ...
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Five stages meant to encompass the entire, painful roller coaster known as grief. I remember learning about these stages in college, memorizing the Kubler-Ross diagram in order to pass a test. I had no idea ...
Things don’t bother me as much as they used to. I used to be a lot more tense than I am now, more anxious about everything that needed to be done. I often woke up in the morning with a ...
Over the past couple of weeks, I have had a writer's block of sorts… Or maybe more of a writer's flood… Or perhaps a mental flood is the best way to put it. My mind is filled to the brim ...
Last week, my eldest daughter’s boyfriend texted me that he wanted to meet me for lunch “soon.” He also asked me for my Father-in-Law’s phone number. We set up a lunch date near my office. Anyone with half a brain ...
I have a confession to make: I used to complain about my husband. Yes, I have to admit that Rick, my perfect husband, the man I adored so much in life, was actually not so perfect, after all. And at ...
I want to preface what I am about to write by saying this blog may be hard to read. I never want to deter people from reading what I write, but I will be honest and say that this past ...
Giving birth was my first true injection of empowerment as an adult. When my oldest was born, I waddled into that hospital at 25 still very much a child. A few days later, I walked out a woman. With each ...