I’ve been thinking lately that I don’t really identify as a widow much anymore. In two months, Rick will have been gone three years. I don’t know how that’s possible, but it’s true. I have carved out a new life ...
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It’s the beginning of my eighth week of isolation - quarantining during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s a beautiful sunny day in Michigan. I can finally see summer around the corner! My mood is as sunny as the day, because I’m ...
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Living without him. This is something I'm still grappling with after all this time. Shortly after Mike died I remember thinking, "We're all so young. I still have so many years ahead of me, God-willing. How am I going to ...
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The world is a scary place right now, and I know there are a lot of people alone in their homes, waiting it out. There are many who have always been alone, who have never found a companion they wanted ...
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I knew my husband pretty well, I think. When someone is your soulmate...and he was...I believe I know what he'd say to me about me. He used to say some of these things directly to me, so I'm pretty confident ...
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My friend Jo sent me a Facebook memory. Three years ago today, I was with Rick on the Florida gulf. We were sitting with Jo watching a gorgeous sunset in Rick’s favorite spot on Madeira Beach. I sat staring at ...
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