“I just want my friend back.” If anyone is familiar with the R&B artist MusiqSoulChild, you know exactly where the title of this piece comes from. MusiqSoulChild is an artist kind of low on the totem pole of ...
In my writing course this week, we studied a poem by a poet named Li-Young Li. It was about devouring peaches and “taking what we love inside.” When the instructor recited a line from the poem - There are days ...
As a writer, I spend a lot of time alone, and a lot of time thinking - mostly contemplating life. Tonight, the holiday dinner is over, the kids and grandkids are all off on their merry way, and I sit ...
I've been excited about my latest adventure. The local library invited me to have a table with my books at their annual local author fair. I’ve never done it before - never even considered it, mostly because I never considered ...
It's that time, again. The ten-day period between the anniversary of Rick's death and his birthday, the day we held his celebration of life. August 13th to August 23rd, 2017: the most painful time of my life. After seven years, ...
I reported for jury duty a couple weeks ago. It’s probably my tenth time in the past 45 years since I was first summoned in my early twenties. However, this was the first time I’ve served that we were allowed ...
THE LOST PIECE When a soul mate dies It leaves a hole with a ragged edge An empty space, too difficult to patch Although I try to find another piece that fits, The shape is never quite right And the ...
Every now and then I hear one of those old songs from the 1940s that my parents used to listen to, and - wow - do those lyrics hit! The other night, as I lay awake in bed (as usual), I ...
As I sit here, reflecting on the year that has passed, I realized how alone I feel. Sure, I have lots of loved ones in my life - and many, many people I can count on to be there for ...
It's been almost six years since I became widowed, which sometimes seems like millennia and other times, like mere weeks. There are so many things that have happened in our world since then, though, and to be honest, I don't ...