"Our lives are like islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest, which co-mingle their roots in the darkness underground." -William James-       Darkness always has a place in our lives. It ebbs and flows with ...
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According to Webster, the definition of awkward is lacking dexterity, ease or grace Throughout the grief process you can feel uneasy or removed from your body – almost as if your skin doesn’t fit correctly. Consider thinking about it as ...
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To paraphrase William Shakespeare’s words in Hamlet: To be normal or not to be normal? That is the question. After experiencing huge changes in your life, a popular buzz word you may hear that is used to try to help ...
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Do you believe that, if you're always looking down, this can influence a person’s mood? Charlie Brown of Peanuts certainly thinks so, as illustrated in the following quote.   “When you’re depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you ...
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Although it may seem so, your life did NOT end with the loss of your partner. It’s just that in your grief, you’re feeling unable to imagine what comes next. This doesn’t mean it’s not there waiting for you to ...
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Mourning the loss of a partner is a time of uncertainty. During this time, you are living in the gap – free floating across a deep, dark hole into which you are fighting not to fall. Without a solid footing, ...
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It’s a holiday weekend, which usually means it’s a time for friends and family to gather. Even if you’re invited to join in, you may have some tough moments ahead. Despite the merriment and companionship, it’s glaringly obvious to you ...
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