It’s the day after Thanksgiving, which is one hurdle you may have been dreading. Now that it has passed, it’s onto the next … Holiday time is hard because it is so family-centric and, thus, makes the absence of an important ...
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Are you feeling stuck in your grief? Perhaps nothing seems to be going right at the moment, and you believe that you don’t know what you should do next. Well … that may just be the truth that you are ...
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The lament of many a mourner is “I’m unhappy” … and rightfully so after the loss of a loved one. But take heart, this does not have to be a permanent state of mind. In fact, Daniel Nettle, author of ...
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Pain and suffering can be very isolating. Friends who have not experienced the loss of a partner have a difficult time comprehending your situation. Often, they disappear from your life … not because they want to hurt you but because ...
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Kay Redfield Jamison, in Nothing Was the Same, penned the following thought. I realized that it was not that I didn’t want to go on without him. I did. It was just that I didn’t know why I wanted to ...
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Does your loss sometimes make you feel like a square peg in a round hole trying to fit into a societal mold that just doesn't feel right anymore?     Do you now hold a different perspective than those that ...
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