Suggestion: If you have people that count on you on a daily basis, try and get your shit together enough to be there for them at least briefly each day. If those people are your children, they need you. ...
See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out.
Suggestion: See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out. If the first, second or third said guru does not help, it’s not you, it's them. It is a process to find a helper that actually ...
Lots of people will do things for you initially. Suggestion: Try to realize that act was more about them dealing with their own bullshit or fear, or worried about their karma, than actually doing something because they are a ...
Writing doesn't come easy for me. I wish it did. I am envious of those people that can write down their thoughts in a flowing, coherent and reflective way without second-guessing or heavily editing. Maybe someday I’ll get there. When ...
Before I lost my husband, I was vaguely familiar with the 5 stages of grief. Honestly, I think I learned about the stages of grief from some movie. So, when Todd died, I thought my emotions would have this logical ...
I wasn’t hungry or thirsty at all after Dave died so eating food and drinking water was not a priority for me. The food that was put in front of me by my loving friends and family just didn’t taste ...
So many thoughts ran through my head during those first couple of years after Dave died in his sleep in 2011. I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that a 46-year-old healthy guy would just die so suddenly. I ...
The first widow I reached out to after my husband died had lost her husband about 3 years prior. She was so honest and open on social media with where she was at during her whole journey. I remember ...
I never really felt comfortable with the word “widow”, I guess I’m not really supposed to, right? Like, who wants that word to describe who they are? But it does describe an aspect of who I am. Actually, now I ...
I was all prepared to write about the importance of self-care for this post and had most of it written. It’s a topic near and dear to my heart and it’s a practice that moved me through the darkest parts ...