Dreams - where do they go? The other day I overheard a couple of coworkers talking about their lives and careers. Listening to them I realized that I didn’t have any dreams for the future right now. Those dreams ...
As widows, we have so many things we might long for, but there are times when I literally BEG God to show me Shane. A breeze with his soapy smell wrapped inside of it, the subtle song of a wind ...
The famous yogi saying “let go of what no longer serves you” was a mindset my heart could not comprehend, let alone understand, until a level of healing had happened in my grief journey. The day I was able to ...
Well, not really, but I believe my meaning is clear. It’s a lonely dark word that we – as a culture – don’t like or know what to do with. It’s like the proverbial bad penny. Nevertheless, I suddenly found this ...
Tomorrow would have been my 23rd wedding anniversary. I think it still is, though, even though my husband is no longer here with me and I’m no longer married…have no husband…am no one’s wife. The anniversary date doesn’t change. 23 years ...
What’s On Your Mind? I wonder if there is something on your mind right now that I can help get answered for you - whether through my own experience, someone I know, resources or articles I’ve come across. I ...
I’ve been having some emotional ups and downs lately. There are so many things rolling around in my head. For one, I just spent another romantic Hallmark holiday alone, which forced me to once again face the fact that I ...
The Sand Holding Hack Three months after my husband passed away, I took a solo vacation to southern California and discovered a hack I want to share with you: the sand holding hack. When I booked the trip to ...
A Widows Purpose When I first became a widow, I questioned everything. Of course I did. How could this happen to me, to us, to them? We were reeling out of this devastation after only 12 weeks from the first ...